Monday, October 27, 2008

God Bless Mike Singletary

Mike Singletary made is presence known amongst the San Francisco people on Sunday afternoon.

After the Niners got their asses blasted by a pathetic Seahawks team at Monster Park, Mike Singletary told you what he thought about it in his press conference. This was one of the best press conferences you'll see. He is such a passionate man when it comes to football. I absolutely love that. He's a no B.S. type of guy and that is awesome to me, the way he handled Vernon Davis was spot on. That is how all coaches should be in the NFL, the players need more discipline. Mike Singletary will definitely bring that and get it turned around out there.

I just had to say something about this and how it speaks volumes to me that he is not there to mess around and how he wants guys that are about the team and not themselves, and what Vernon Davis did was selfish. I am a big Mike Singletary fan. I can almost consider myself a 49ers fan because he is the coach.
On a side note, I had a rough week for picks. Just know this "It will change."

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